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Guide to Grant Writing Resources

Winning grants is an important part of a non-profit group or researcher’s existence. Grants provide the funding for important research projects and the resources to keep non-profit groups running. Therefore, the process of writing grants should not be taken lightly. You do not need to hire a professional grant writer to create a winning grant proposal. However, you do need to develop an understanding of the grant writing process and be sure to write a credible, professional proposal that will encourage funding sources to provide you with the money and resources you need. This requires taking time to study the grant writing process and learn from those who have been successful at winning grants.

General Grant Resources

For a beginner, the grant writing process can seem overwhelming. From finding funding, to writing thank you letters after being awarded a grant, there are a multitude of steps involved in the process. Miss one and your funding could be gone. If you want to be successful, you must have a working knowledge of all components of the grant writing process.

  • – A step-by-step guide to the grant writing process will teach you all you need to know, including how to conduct research to determine if you even have an idea worth being funded.
  • – Learn the basic terms involved with grant writing and the materials you need to complete your grant proposal.
  • – Author of an award-winning grant writing manual, Jonathan O’Brien highlights the most common mistakes grant writers make.
  • – Use the study guide to make sure you have a good understanding of the grant writing process.
  •  – This short course outlines the grant writing process and includes scenarios to help you practice your skills.
  • – Successful grant writing starts with coming up with an idea and determining if it is worth being funded.

Finding a Funding Source

Without a funding source, there is no need to write a grant proposal. You do not want to submit a grant to just anyone who offers money. To increase your chances of obtaining a grant, you must find relevant funding sources and tailor your grant proposal to fit those sources.

  • – The guide takes you through the entire process of finding funding for your grant proposal and makes sure you understand the grant seeking process.
  • – Learn what you need to know before approaching a funder and the differences between each type of funding source.
  •  – If you are looking for a federal grant to apply for, it will be found here.
  • Identifying Potential Funding Sources  – Learn the many different places you can look to find potential funding sources for your grant proposal.

Writing a Grant

Writing the actual grant is a very involved process. While most grant proposals contain similar components, some grant competitions and funding sources have specific requirements for the grant proposals they receive. Make sure you read their requirements carefully. Many funding sources use their requirements as a way to initially narrow down the list of proposals received, immediately tossing all proposals that do not meet their requirements.

  • – This course takes you through the steps of writing a proposal, including clearly outlining the components of a proposal and explaining how to gather background information.
  • Purdue Proposal Enhancement Tools  – Complete the exercises to help improve your grant proposal.
  • How to Write a Winning Abstract – An abstract is the key to selling your grant. Learn what readers are looking for to help you get your foot in the door.
  • Grant Professionals Certification Institute: Literature Review – Find the best books to help you write grant proposals tailored to a specific area of interest.
  • – This guide clearly outlines all components of a grant proposal in easy-to-understand terms.
  •  – Go through the entire process of writing a grant in this two-part, comprehensive series.
  • – Learn how to make your case and write a successful grant proposal that includes all necessary components.
  • – The process of writing grant proposals is broken down into simple tips and thought-provoking questions.
  • – These questions will guide you as you write your grant proposal.

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